Categorías: Europa

La Comisión busca expertos en pesca para la Dirección General de Asuntos Marítimos

La Comisión busca expertos en pesca, según un anunció publicado, en la web de la comisión
DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is organising a selection procedure with a view to recruiting temporary agents at AD8 level to work in the field of a) fisheries science and management and b) fisheries control and inspection.
The expected publication date for the selection notice is November 2018. The selection notice will be published on the EPSO website.

Please note that until the publication of the selection notice we will not answer any questions concerning this procedure.

Candidates will have approximately one month to present their file. During this period they may address any question they may have on the selection procedure via email (the email address will be included in the selection notice).

No questions will be answered in the last 10 days before the deadline for submission of applications.

For more information, visit the EPSO website regularly for updates.


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